Friday, March 9, 2012

A Soul in Kilter After Reading a Script...

I feel so much love towards the world at the moment, a strange feeling for me lately. Maybe that old adage is true, after the tempest comes the calm (although I could am reluctant to use the word "calm" itself, perhaps sense, love, endearment?). I was browsing my bookshelves in search of something to read, I didn't quite want to jump into Plato yet... I grabbed two books, one is Brida by Paulo Coelho which I read a few years ago, the other the script for Before Sunrise, one of my favorite movies. I ordered it a long, long time ago but never read it, now seemed like the appropriate time. I just finished and it left me feeling this deep, warmth... a mixture of love, melancholy, and marvel towards life itself. The story is about a chance encounter that meant much more.

I am thinking of how much I have changed through life, religious points of view, political thoughts, but three things have always remained, Art, Travel, and Souls. All life long these have stayed the same. I believe in souls, in soul mates as well. Finishing this script threw me into this nebulae of thoughts. I have been pondering on chances, the path that I chose and where the path that I didn't take might have led me...I love chance encounters that end up making an impact on people's lives. I guess the script I just read felt so close because as I read it I could empathize, analyzing a life but sometimes being detached is something I feel sometime and fear as well. But this same fear is the reason that connecting with people brings me such joy...

Soul mates seem to be the reoccurring theme of my day, I am half certain I was discussing them in my dream, this was the overall impressing the script left me, and it is the way Brida begins.  I feel like there is this beautiful chaos for me to discover...