Monday, February 27, 2012

Last Day!

Last day of the challenge. I am so so happy. And I should have a blogging break soon. Wr are on a race against time. Wish us luck cyberspace!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm wide awake it's morning, but I will not leave bed just yet.

For the past two hours I have been a living ode to laziness and refusal to accept the weather. It is simply to cold to get out and go to the studio just yet, it is too cold to go have breakfast, it is to cold to get my clothes from the dryer; all in all it is just too cold to do any activity that requires me to leave my bed, warm, delicious, soft bed. I began reading a book out of this refusal to be dynamic. Dear Murakami has been my company for this time  ( I am terribly sorry Foucault! but you are too far away in the living room!). So I decided to blog since I am not ready to get out of bed yet. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful day outside, I will possibly jog to the "casa de cambio" (wonder what they are called in English, not Exchange House I believe), comeback and start my day. Possibly, maybe just get my clothes and go paint. Hmmm, that sounds so much more convincing. I'll read some more, eat and then go paint, I must finish my painting today, tomorrow there will be a critique and my still life would be moved again.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Speed Blogging

I am blogging and about to go to a type of theatre. Bye Cyberspace!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Challenge Day Four

"I is another"
-Arthur Rimbaud

A quote, my favorite by this poet to make sure I don't skip today's challenge.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Challenge Day Three...

Day 3 of the challenge, I almost didn't write, I am so tired. I have been welding and bending metal for the past three or four hours, the good thing is I am starting to really and honestly enjoy working with metal (as confusing as this might be for me at this point) and I have progressed so much to this point. I wished I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I wish I could just spend my time at the studios and weld, sculpt, draw, and paint perpetually; but, I have duties, I'll have to ask Gilda to let me leave early.  So tired, must sleep. Ciao Cyberspace!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Challenge Day Two: Free Cookies and Magritte

Challenge Day Two. I am sitting in the kitchen with roommate, she is making cookies I am eating dough, good times. I'm back from the studio where I almost finished my (or one of my) drawing. I saw an old professor  who gave me a compliment and an advice, I applied it and my drawing has improved lots. Today was a calm day, I didn't have much alienation which felt nice, it had been a while since I had had a a day with just good (or positive chaos) emotions. (to be continued)
   Now it's a few hours after I wrote the first part of this post, and it looks like I'll be having a nice evening, there are free cookies, Magritte posters, and Jorge Drexler is the soundtrack, how could it not be good? Anyways, I leave on a short note cyberspace, perhaps I will be a more verbose writer tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Challenge Day One

Day one of the challenge take two, take one was done as I happily sat in a very, very comfortable chair in my favorite annex. I had just gone out of painting class, surprisingly I was clean (except for my hands but those hardly count anymore). I wrote about the freedom that painting has for me, at the moment in fact I feel as though it is my favorite of the subjects I study. There is something fascinating about being able to create an entire microcosm. In painting one does not have to follow any laws of gravity, physics or safety. One can do or undo in the universe at will. And that is something that I find to be enrapturing. But, the is something quite charming about painting from life. And a special feeling that comes from having your subject matter in front of you. But these where the ideas I was pondering on during take one. Take two deserves its own ideas. So lets have it. I am sitting in a room that smell like freshly cut metal, my hands are covered in charcoal, like my face probably is too. But, when am I not covered in it? It's actually a state I feel more at home in, that of having the material I just did something with on me. Today I had a good day it was filled with painting, friendship, tacos, automatic drawings, ice cream, and metal. And as far as my challenge goes it is going quite well since it is not even near midnight and here I am blogging. So here you have me cyberspace! I'm being a prolific, consistent blogger. It is astounding to see all te technology that has seeped to my life, as it is amazing the way technology has expanded. Almost everyone has one or more technological devices, myself included. I just hope that they do serve to enable human interaction, instead of driving us apart. Well, this was my rant of the day, now I just remembered that a certain someone had promised to write an ode to black paper, fantastic, definitive, and sometimes challenging black paper. But that ode doesn't exist and I am too find of black paper to disgrace it by composing one myself to maybe I'll just annoy a more gifted poet into doing it. Yes Rome, I'm writing to you. And on this slightly annoying note I bed cyberspace adieu.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cat Owner for a Few Hours... Continued (finally)...

Last week I begun to write, in yet another attempt to be constant at something, I failed but I did save a draft so I will finish that idea before writing new. What I wrote last week (or the week before?) was this:

     If asked five hours ago, "How was your day?", I would have said "It was a great day, it felt a bit yellow and was fantastic, yours?", now it's just a bit bittersweet. My day (like all my days) began at eight or rather seven since I had to be in class and in critique at eight. It went well, my piece was generally liked, and it was some's favorite. I am happy with the result too, from a quite blended and only color appropriate piece I evolved to something with more life and more like me in it. Self portraits are difficult for me, I am hardly still enough to make a good model and I don't like to look at the mirror too much or too long either, they are all in all quite hard for me....

And that was it, so now I will finish what I started. I was commenting on self-portraits. I am happy with the result, I was finally able to begin to understand myself through paint. Also that same day I began to write my roommate and I found a cat. I (the semi-perpetual cat loather) asked her to keep it, and we would have, expect she turned out to be allergic... But in my three hours as a cat owner I was quite happy, her name was Frida and she looked like a ferret and acted like a dog, a great way for a cat to be in my opinion.

Sometimes I think about how much I would like to be at several places at once, or time travel to be myself but in multiple places, but then I would be missing a moment in the future and I would pine for that as well... My problem is I want too many things at the same time, so mostly I am running about trying to do it all.... Here is a post, a collection of sentence written in long and short intervals, some with days in between others with hours. Most certainly not the most effective way to write but here is the end to this post, I will write sooner next time cyberspace!

À bientôt!