Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving In, Questioning My Existence...

   Moving in and moving out, an activities that I have done at least nine times, from houses, dorms, and tiny but lovely apartments. Although, I know that some people find then sad or nostalgic I hardly felt, oftentimes I feel as though I never will conect connect a place like that... I ask myself what home is, but it has never been a tangible place for me, and I can see friends having this almost loyalty to a city or a house but I've never felt that. In part, I think it is not something I want or something I am wired to want. Over the summer I was able to go on a backpacking journey. My favorite experience was the fact that I was absolutely untied I could flee a city as soon as it had tired me or as soon as I wished for a change of setting. Constant change is something that I welcome whole-heartily.
   Today was move-in day at my university, first change of the year I suppose, big although perhaps equally big as beginning self-portraits. (an activity strange enough for me, like with places sometimes I feel a bit disconnected to my physical "self", I think it was Rimbaud who said that "I is another", feeling I am very, very well acquainted with. Sometimes when glancing at the mirror I am surprised to see that the figure looking back is in fact me, these self-portrait, I feel, are helping me understand this lacunae in my comprehension of myself. It is this same theme of "who is I?" that fuels most of my work.) Perhaps I will have a new room mate, which for hermits like me is not the most suitable option. It comes as a surprise that in a few short days I will begin a new semester, for classes I am mostly unsure of what I want to do (other than sometimes creepy eerie and often existentialist sculptures, Humpty Dumpty figurines, anthropomorphic balloons [which probably belong in the eerie category] ... how I wonder how the semester will unfold).

P.S. I figured out how to put label in these posts, technology I am discovering your secrets.

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