Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hupty Dumpty would like a friend...

   Second day of blogging, this is nearing a personal mark in anything keeping a journal related (if I get another post, it's a new record). Today has been a nebulae of emotions expanding from anger, sadness, tardiness, to happiness, confusion, and a bit of repeated stress (brought on by a consistently mistaken identity). The idea of tossing thoughts to the cyberspace is growing on me, it like sending a small vessel to the unknown, and the unknown has always been an interesting place. Today I fell even more in love with the wonderful artist, Odilon Redon. His work is bizarre and at times awkward. I wish he was alive nowadays our drawing could be friends, particularly Humpty Dumpty.
    I read a book a long time ago, the main character asked a wizard -why?- to which the wizard simply replied -why not?-  I like such a hands on approach to life, although I do enjoy thinking over the abstract concepts so I may very well be insane... but a bit of insanity makes for an interesting life in my opinion thus I am quite at ease with my unbalance mind. What is balance anyways? This leads my mind back to Odilon Redon, he was just so imbibed with the magic of life. Fantastic, fantastic work! it is convulsive (like Breton once declared beauty should be, and I extend to life) and my soul is exalted when looking at his work. It is a wonderful feeling when Art does this.
Eye-Balloon by Odilon Redon


  1. People capable of experiencing such strong feelings towards art are amazing.

    I'm lucky.

  2. I am lucky to know and have befriended people to understand and feel so too!
