Monday, June 11, 2012

Soundtrack: The Perishers - Nothing Like You and I

I woke up during a pivotal point in my dream and this is probably why I can still some of it. The earliest fragment I can remember was being at Austin (not the real Austin, TX but the one from my dream things are much closer and the weather is much nicer) I was exploring there and had walked to the next town and back to meet my mother. I had told her of the small travels I had done in the area even though I knew she would be worried about my doing this all on foot. The countryside by the city was lovely, now that I am awake I realize that it was very similar to that of Eger in Hungary. We went to have dinner, yet sometime during this I became a different person. I had an office type of job and at a subway station I ran across someone I seemingly already knew and was in love with. The color palette in the dream changed and now it was cold and grayer. As time passed however my acquaintance began to blend unto the wall of the subway, little by little until just his head and arm were out, he was still able to speak... the feeling at this moment was quite eerie and as I was trying to get an explanation of what was occurring my alarm sounded, everything vanished, how I detest for a dream to end on a cliffhanger.

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