Friday, May 25, 2012

Conversations In Vehicles...

Somewhat sad and a bit gray is how I am feeling right now. As I moved further and further from religion it also became more difficult for me to relate to people. The good thing is that I do have a few friends, people that I can count on, talk to, cherish.. other people on the other hand I struggle with; I don't mean to keep them at a distance it's just hard to express yourself sometimes... I often wind up trying to keep everything and everyone together it's exhausting and I don't succeed very much. I often get polarized and absorbed by one thing and completely neglect the others. This is something I am trying to fix, to fix when it relates to people. Months ago I would have shivered at the motion of seeking balance because it's not the type of person I am and for some time it had been entwined in my mind with setting, I am learning to process that it is not. Recently my family has been becoming much more spiritual oriented, I love this and while in some aspects I can connect to them on a deeper level on some I still can't. Some day I feel ecstatic because of the conversations we share, others I just feel unsatisfied. I'm the problem but, as I wrote, it's difficult for me to vociferate my feelings to many people.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soaking Wet, I Love the Rain and Van Gogh... and Art

   I am re-moving, there is not even the possibility of taking three steps in my room without thumbing, yet, the rain came... so suddenly and I can't ever resist. After some days of emotional ups and downs a dance in the rain puts me in the right place again, in kilter real one. Now I must get dried up.... farewell Cyberspace.